El Camino de la Cruz (para uso de las parroquias)

Una oración para la sanación y la esperanza en medio de una pandemia global


Una oración para la sanación y la esperanza en medio de una pandemia global

This flexible prayer resource allows individuals and families to experience the story of Christ’s passion in the Stations of the Cross at home, online or wherever you are. This one-of-a-kind prayer experience includes a Spotify code and shareable and printable PDF format. May we pray the Stations anew allowing the message of Christ to calm our anxious hearts, give hope to all who despair and inspire us anew to walk our path of discipleship!

Click here to read a sample!


© Copyright 2020 by Twenty-Third Publications. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the purchasing parish to distribute this PDF to their parishioners. No other sharing is permitted without permission from the publisher.

Product code : EECAMP
Regular price $9.95
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